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Armour from the Armoury of the dukes of Burgundy

(commercial use of the pictures is prohibited by the museum)

Maximilian armour, German, early 16th century

pic 1: heraldic dress
pic 2&3: brigantine
pic 5: mail suit, 15th century

A very nice mail mantle

pic 1&2: "antique" morion, Italian, 1550
pic 3, left: gauntlet by Valentin Siebenburger from Nurmberg, German, 1525-1550
pic 4&5: shoulder guards with padding
pic 14: German armet, 1550
pic 16: German half-armour, 1550
pic 17: engraved, damascened and gilded armour, can be adapted for joust, worn by archduke Albrecht when entering Brussels in 1599. Italian
pic 18&19: the only armour retaining the important head protection

A Flemish sallet, and a dog-faced bascinet

child armour by Anton Peffenhauser from Augsburg, belonged to Jozef-Ferdinand von Beieren

joust armour with shield, by Wolfgang Grosschedel, 1560, belonged to Philip II of Spain

jousting helmets, and vamplate

Maximilian armour, German 1525-1550 by W. Grosschedel; joust armour by Lorenz Helmschmied, Augsburg, 1490-1500; joust armour with prominent lance rest

pot helmet, German sallet and bevor; Italian Barbute, 1450; Barbute signed by Antonino Missaglia from Milan, 1525-1550


Italian cuirasse closing in the middle, 1580, and German armour

pic 1&2: horse cuissard, right hind leg, German, 1500-1510
pic 3: demi-chanfrein, German, 1550
pic 5: Italian armet, engraved and gilded, 1550
pic 7: Italian morion with very prominent crest, late 16th century
pic 11, right: armet with gorgerin, engraved and gilded, Anton Peffenhauser from Augsburg, German, 1580

pic 3: joust armour with shield, Wolfgang Grosschedel, 1560, belonged to Philip II of Spain
pic 4: clearly shows length of some rare surviving lances
pic 5, armour 1: maximilian armour, German 1525-1550 by WGrosschedel, part 19th century reconstruction, decorated with obscene handgestures, armour 2: German armour adapted for jousting, 1550
pic 6: gilded and engraved chanfrein, possibly Italian, 1575
pic 7: black and white 3/4 armour, German, 1550-1560
pic 8: engraved, damascened and gilded armour, can be adapted for joust, worn by archduke Albrecht when entering Brussels in 1599. Italian
pic 9: Italian shiavonas, 1650-1700, also an Italian half-armour with cabasset, late 16th century, and a duelling "sword-breaking" targe, Italian, 1550

English pot helmets

half armours with bourguignotte, and maces

the guy in front carries a hunting spear, Saxon, 1575-1600

another half armour with some 15th century staff weapons

Jousting armor from Filip II, by Wolfgang Grosschedel, 1560

joust armour by Lorenz Helmschmied, Augsburg, 1490-1500

Maximilian armour by Wolfgang Grosschedel from Landshut, 1525-1550, from the so-called Fico-group
(because it is decorated with obscene hand gestures)
Click for larger view

detail of obscene gestures

Early 20th century attempts to reinvent armour of proof, also attempted to redefine ugly.

WWI French armour, and a tool for hand grenade training

the ultimate suit of armour

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