Armour Construction, History, Etc.
(links to all sorts of armour-related information)
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Late 13th Century Armour Adapted for SCA Combat --
This is a very thorough essay by Duncan MacIntyre. If you are
looking for help with a 13th century suit of armour in the SCA,
then this is the place to look.
Close-Up shots of Chainmaille weaves --
This page has some pictures of classic maille patterns and
has a couple pictures of some interesting Persian weaves as well.
Sara's Chainmail Connection --
A source for Probably everything you could ever want to know about
maille on the internet.
Cariadoc's Miscellany: The Perfect Armor --
Leather Armour Stuff.
The Making of Wisby Plate Armor --
Want some plastic armour?
Wanna Fight? - Making a Shield --
How to make a SCA heater.
Armour Fluting Press -- Wanna build one?
ARMAMENTARIVM: the Book of Roman Arms and Armour --
Possibly the best resource available on-line for information on Roman Armour.
They have Pictures of pieces straight out of dig sites... Really awesome page.
IRONROSE--Warrior Women of the SCA --
This site is in its infancy, but it seems like it will address
a lot of issues that are commonly brought up by female warriors.
The idea in Blacksmiths Virtual Junkyard is to carry on the
blacksmith tradition of sharing ideas and sources with fellow blacksmiths.
Wade Allen --
Wade's personal ad... "I have built mail and plate armour. I tend to
focus on the 14th and 15th centuries, but I have made pieces that
represent armour from the 10th to 17th centuries."
The Castle --
Midnight Wolf's homepage.
Arms & Armour Glossary of Terms --
A listing of armour terms and definitions.
Armour of the Silk Road --
Description of styles and illustrated history of the armour created
and influenced by the SIlk Road migrations (generally speaking,
Eastern European, Central Asian, and Middle Eastern materials).
The Red Kaganate -- Armour of the Steppes Nomads and related peoples --
A growing collection of articles on armour construction, history, archeology --
Making Lamellar, Hardening Leather, a Mongol-Italian Coat of Plates,
a suit of lamellar from Kazakhstan... and more.
Armour Design --
An ongoing project detailing the construction of a full suit of
medieval armour in the Gothic style.